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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Okay first of all it has been such a long time since I last posted! Oh and happy new years! I've been really busy and posting was the last thing on my mind. Anyways, there is this amazing skincare "device" that I recently bought at Sephora and it has changed my skin drastically!  This amazing device is an oval shaped, made of rubber with many "fibers" on it;  scrubbler (thats what I call it). It was about $7 (Cnd) and it is definitely worth the price. Its suppose it gently exfoliate your skin and help remove your black heads. What I love about this is that the handle has a little suction cup that you can stick on your mirror or shower walls after you are finished.
I don't have HUGE skin problems just a pimple here and there with a few black heads on my nose. This thing didn't get rid of my blackheads but this thing made my skin so soft and smooth. Also, this made my cleansers much more effective! Currently I use Clinique's cleanser (the one in the green bottle that comes with the 3 step system) and I didn't really think that the cleanser lathered very well. Oh boy was I wrong! This thing made so much bubbles you wouldn't believe it! I didn't use more or less of the product, but the way it lathered on this scrubbler vs. my hand was unbelievable!
How to use this: This does not come with instructions so this is how I use it. I use this only at night for it does somewhat exfoliate your skin and you do not want to get out in the sun right after (even if you use sunscreen). I wet my face and the scrubbler and put a pea size on the center of the scrubbler. After, I just gently rub it against my face and you will start seeing bubbles. Rinse and just do your regular skincare :)

Overall 5/5 I would totally purchase this!